Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All

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The wedding day is traditionally considered the bride’s day, as an unspoken or even explicitly stated rule. The goal is simple: make the bride as happy as possible, after all, it’s her day.

But what happens when the bride decides to make “her day” everyone else’s problem with unreasonable demands? Well, this Redditor experienced a “bridezilla” moment from her future sister-in-law, who insisted she dress down for the wedding because she was skinnier.

Being a part of a wedding often takes a lot and sometimes comes with its own set of unrealistic demands

Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All

This woman shares that her sister-in-law wanted to select the dress she would wear to their wedding, stating that she tends to draw too much attention to herself

Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All
Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All
Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All
Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All
Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All

She reassured her that she had no plans to “outshine” her but then the bride revealed that the problem was with the author’s weight

Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All
Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All
Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All
Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All
Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All

According to the bride, the author’s life has always been easier and it was unfair to steal her wedding day as well

Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All
Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All
Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All
Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All
Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All

The Original Poster (OP) is having a problem with her brother’s fiancée regarding her attendance at their wedding. Since she was pregnant during the entire planning process, she was not actively involved. However, soon after giving birth, her future sister-in-law (FSIL) informed her that she had chosen a specific dress for her to wear to the wedding. The reason behind this, according to the FSIL, was the OP’s tendency to attract attention.

Apparently, during another brother’s wedding, the FSIL felt the OP drew too much attention, and she didn’t want a repeat at her own wedding. The OP, understandably confused, reassured her FSIL that she had no intention of stealing the spotlight, as everyone would be focused on the couple. She also clarified that she had no plans to wear an inappropriate or revealing dress, assuming the bride was concerned about her family’s reaction.

The real issue, as the bride eventually revealed, was the OP’s weight. Being slightly overweight herself, the bride felt insecure and wanted the OP to wear a dress that would completely cover her figure. The OP, rightfully upset, expressed that the bride’s insecurities were not her responsibility and that it was unreasonable to ask her to wear a specific outfit solely because she’s slimmer.

This response did not go well with the bride, who accused the OP of always seeking attention and implying that her life had always been easier, further suggesting that the OP was trying to “steal” her wedding day. As the bride denied asking other slimmer guests to do the same, the argument escalated, involving the OP’s husband and brother.

Ultimately, the situation reached a boiling point, leading the OP to kick her brother and his fiancée out and decide not to attend the wedding.

They argued and ultimately their husbands got involved and joined the argument

It’s no secret that weddings can be a very sensitive time for couples, especially the brides. This can sometimes lead to frustrations being taken out on guests, with bridesmaids and family members often serving as collateral damage. According to research conducted by The Loupe, only 47% of survey respondents said they would still agree to be in a wedding party if they knew the bride was going to be a “bridezilla” beforehand. Additionally, 6% of respondents reported that their relationship with the bride worsened after being in the bridal party.

Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All

The bride’s attitude can significantly affect the atmosphere of the wedding day and the experience of the bridal party. Unfortunately, 12.5% of respondents reported that the bride’s attitude negatively impacted their mental health while participating in the bridal party.

It’s important not to enable a bride if she’s being unreasonable. According to Vows and Forever, try to steer her in a more positive direction. Remind her that a wedding is meant to celebrate love, not about throwing a perfect party. Assure her that her future spouse will love her regardless of the flowers in her bouquet and likely won’t even notice the specific type.

If the bride is constantly yelling at you or unloading her emotional baggage onto you, you don’t have to tolerate it. In fact, it’s advisable to set boundaries and keep your distance. While we don’t recommend completely ghosting your friend or family member, especially if you’re part of the wedding party, taking some time away may give her space to reflect and address her behavior.

Commenters unanimously agreed that the request made no sense and that she didn’t need to do all of that. But what do you all think about this situation? Do you think she is overreacting? Share your thoughts below!

The poster also shared a similar dress to the one her FSIL picked out, so commenters could get a feel for the look

Bride Feels Insecure Around Thin Future SIL, Buys Her A Dress To Wear But She Refuses To Come At All

Redditors backed the woman up and didn’t see anything wrong with what she did

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