21 People Share Sneaky Things They Do But Feel No Guilt For

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From sharing Netflix passwords to jaywalking, most of us don’t exactly live 100% by the book. The truth is, life is too short to go out of one’s way to follow every single rule out there. Sometimes, people end up feeling a little ashamed, but some habits are simply too useful to skip. 

Someone asked “What’s something sneaky you do that you feel no guilt for?” and netizens shared their best, potentially unethical strategies. We also got in touch with MinkSableSeven to learn more.

sneaky things people do no guilt 1

So get comfortable, take some notes, upvote your favorites and if you feel so inclined, share your own experience and examples in the comments section below. 

Sneaky Things : 1.

“Take Out All The Quarters”: People Share 40 Unscrupulous Practices They Live By

I am a math teacher (11 years). I teach 5/6th grade math to high schoolers (yeah… I know). Every now and again, I have a student who knows absolutely nothing about math even by the end of the semester, yet their semester average is just above 65%. It’s my fault for letting their average get that high. Usually I try to be generous with grading.

But the fact is, they still can’t add. They can’t tell me 1/2 = 2/4. They can’t double a simple recipe. They can’t tell me x + x + x = 3x. So, I play around with their grades and they end up getting a 63 and failing the semester.

Then they repeat with me again, and I teach them the content all over again. Some of my coworkers know I do this and think I’m a monster. I think it’s how we save education: trust teachers to assess who actually knows the content & hold back those who don’t. We can’t keep socially promoting kids.


“Take Out All The Quarters”: People Share 40 Unscrupulous Practices They Live By

Booking a day of annual leave and not telling any friends/family so I can do absolutely nothing with no guilt

Sneaky Things : 3.

“Take Out All The Quarters”: People Share 40 Unscrupulous Practices They Live By

Hiding sweets from my kid. No shame in my late night snacking game

Daily Trend Blog got in touch with MinkSableSeven and they were kind enough to share some more details. Naturally, we were curious to hear why they asked this question in the first place. “I’ve been on Reddit for over 3 years (separate profile) and I wanted to ask something that allowed people to reveal what they’re really up to. Something that inspired them to share. Reddit is littered with repetitive content; the same questions are posted over and over again.”

“As writers know, people love to talk about themselves and if you give them an opportunity, they’ll share things you never expected. I’ve always had a curiosity about my neighbors and the common person.” 


45 People Share Sneaky Things They Do But Feel No Guilt For


When I was in college, I was broke af. I only had so many meal swipes for the dining hall, so I would just sit down in the cafeteria and stay there for breakfast, lunch, and dinner while studying and socializing with friends. 3 square meals for the price of one. I also brought tupperware and filled it up with grilled chicken breasts, beef patties, lettuce for salads, sandwiches, and pasta. Took it to my dorm so that I would have food for the days I was in classes.

Now one devious thing I didn’t do, but my roommate did, was they took clean silverware and dishes/bowls from the dining hall, and put it in their backpack

Sneaky Things : 5.

“Take Out All The Quarters”: People Share 40 Unscrupulous Practices They Live By

I’m hard of hearing, but not totally deaf. I have one really annoying coworker who I just pretend I can’t hear when he tries to talk to me.

Given the hundreds of comments people posted, it would seem like this question really sparked some interest, so we wanted to hear OP’s take on what made it so engaging. “I think the more comments we got, the more interesting the topic became. Once people started posting some shady things they do, it kinda gave consensus for others to chime in without guilt.

I also think the key aspect of the question was the “without guilt” part. I asked what sneaky things they did that they felt no guilt about. I think people just wanted to get off their chest the things they can’t tell anyone else. And since Reddit is predominantly anonymous, they opened right up!”


45 People Share Sneaky Things They Do But Feel No Guilt For


When I worked at McDonald’s people got freebies all the time.

Once we had a double quarter pounder spare, one of the counter girls asked me to turn it into a single for an order. I took the box, unflipped the little “double” tab, and handed it back.

“There, it’s a single 😉”

Sneaky Things : 7.

45 People Share Sneaky Things They Do But Feel No Guilt For


Sometimes I wake up to make coffee and I’m out of creamer. Since the market isn’t open that early, I’ll hit 7-Eleven near me, get a large coffee cup and fill it with flavored creamer. That way I can make about 6 cups of my own coffee instead of paying for just one.

This rarely happens but when I do it, I don’t feel the least bit of guilt.


45 People Share Sneaky Things They Do But Feel No Guilt For 

I “sneak out” of my apartment, even though I am in my 20s and don’t live with my parents. But I don’t actually do anything bad. I will just go to the gym or the grocery store or something. But there’s something exciting about leaving your place at 2am to go to a secret activity.

Sneaky Things : 9.

45 People Share Sneaky Things They Do But Feel No Guilt For 

I brush my teeth under the shower. Yes, yes, I know – water, environment… I’m generally quite environmentally cautious but I love standing under hot water and I don’t have much “me” time (2 disabled kids at home), this is my guilty pleasure that I learnt to not feel guilty about.


45 People Share Sneaky Things They Do But Feel No Guilt For 

Sometimes when my cat is sleeping, I’ll try to sneak over to the fridge and take a bite of cheese as quietly as possible, I’m at less than a 50 percent success rate. She usually is giving me a dirty look as my vision comes back to the couch or she’ll come sniff my mouth if I sat down before she came out of her fort

“With the cost of living increasing so fast and people struggling to make ends meet, few feel guilty for the creative ways they get to “stick it to the man”. But then there were some comments that were very encouraging. Like a math teacher who refuses to pass students if they really can’t do the work. A nurse who uses funny puns so that patients don’t notice any pain while she’s starting an IV.

The nice neighbor who knocks on doors when an Amazon package has been sitting there. Collecting perfectly good food that’s to be thrown away so families can eat. But some of the best ones are completely silly and relatively harmless. Like sneaking in alcohol instead of paying for highly-priced drinks. Peeing in brother’s bath water because he’s a prick!”

Sneaky Things : 11.

45 People Share Sneaky Things They Do But Feel No Guilt For 

I’m a college student, and a lot of times, we just need to concentrate for hours on our work. My classmates ask me about how to do stuff A LOTT, and hey! I wanna work too!

So I just wear my earphones, and not play anything, they call me I hear them but don’t even blink, they think i can’t hear them so usually they go and ask someone else.

Some of them are my friends, but no, I don’t feel guilt, Google is there, just Google it dude


45 People Share Sneaky Things They Do But Feel No Guilt For 

Now, not recycling. After seeing the trash guy throw my recycling in with all the trash like its the SAME THING numerous times, i have stopped. I called the city and they said they would look into it, and nothing changed. If they don’t care, neither do I anymore.

Sneaky Things : 13.

45 People Share Sneaky Things They Do But Feel No Guilt For 

My wife and two adult girls are extreme dog people. They’re always going on about what’s good for his health and what we should be feeding him ect. They insist I don’t give him any of our food. When the dog and I are alone, it’s a Non-Stop party. (For the record, I never give him anything that would make him sick or be bad for him. The Food goes in his bowl, I dont feed him while I’m at the table). Needless to say, I’m his favorite lol.


“Take Out All The Quarters”: People Share 40 Unscrupulous Practices They Live By

When I worked fast food in high school, I got revenge on people who were jerks to me in school by shorting their milk shakes. I would fill it 2/3 full, put on the lid, then turn it upside down for a moment to get some on the lid. Nobody ever caught on.

Such a little thing but so, so gratifying.

Sneaky Things : 15.

45 People Share Sneaky Things They Do But Feel No Guilt For

 When my small child wants to play with the bigger child but bigger child digs their heels in and refuses I say “i agree. Hey, I need help with dishes and folding the laundry. Which do you want to start with?” Suddenly bigger child wants to play! Recently they told me that they do that to avoid chores. I was “shocked” but commended them for at least trading it for a worthy cause. And I love my quiet time watching This Is Us while folding towels the right way and putting them away immediately.


“Take Out All The Quarters”: People Share 40 Unscrupulous Practices They Live By

Having 5+ burner email accounts to get free trials on apps and to “refer” myself and get the referral credit

Sneaky Things : 17.

“Take Out All The Quarters”: People Share 40 Unscrupulous Practices They Live By

Whenever I see a Amazon package in my apartment complex and happen to be going by the door, I knock on the door just in case they didn’t hear it. But I always gotta make it to the elevator in time so I’m not caught lol


“Take Out All The Quarters”: People Share 40 Unscrupulous Practices They Live By

Sneak down to the good seats at baseball games. No one is sitting there anyway so I don’t feel bad.


“Take Out All The Quarters”: People Share 40 Unscrupulous Practices They Live By

When I roast a chicken, I always eat the oysters. Don’t think family even know it exists


“Take Out All The Quarters”: People Share 40 Unscrupulous Practices They Live By

Clip off small pieces of plants at stores then take them home to propagate.

Last Sneaky Thing : 21.

“Take Out All The Quarters”: People Share 40 Unscrupulous Practices They Live By

Break off the bottom part of asparagus that you would cut off anyway so I don’t have to pay for it. There’s usually trash cans around, so I just toss it in there.

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