Mom Gets Petty Revenge On Neighbors And Their Loud Dogs

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When moving into a new place, we might not even think about our soon-to-be pet neighbors. If they are disruptive, one may want to say goodbye to the peace and quiet they were looking forward to in a new neighborhood.

And, sometimes, when all options to restore peace have been exhausted, the only seemingly right thing to do is to get even.

The lady from this story had just moved into her house when she was greeted with animal waste on her lawn and the continuous noise of barking. For a while, she dealt with it without complaining, but it got to a point where she couldn’t relax in her own backyard or let her grandchildren play in it. So she thought that the best option would be to take some petty revenge on the neighbors.

We often don’t expect to move in near neighbors with disruptive pets

Mom Gets Petty Revenge On Neighbors And Their Loud Dogs

Unfortunately, this woman did, and after a while, it got so intolerable she decided to take petty revenge on her neighbors

Mom Gets Petty Revenge On Neighbors And Their Loud Dogs
Mom Gets Petty Revenge On Neighbors And Their Loud Dogs
Mom Gets Petty Revenge On Neighbors And Their Loud Dogs
Mom Gets Petty Revenge On Neighbors And Their Loud Dogs
Mom Gets Petty Revenge On Neighbors And Their Loud Dogs
Mom Gets Petty Revenge On Neighbors And Their Loud Dogs

A disruptive pet’s behavior may push one to take action

Someone else’s dog occasionally barking or wandering around your yard might not be a huge problem. But if your neighbor’s pets are causing issues like using your lawn as a litter box or loudly barking without catching a breath, one may decide to take action.

Lawyer Mary Randolph recommends starting by talking to the owner of the furry friend calmly and reasonably. Sometimes they can be unaware of such a problem, as they might leave their dog alone and not even know that it’s been barking for hours.

In instances where this isn’t the case, it’s still advised to try to approach them gently, as in “I knew you’d want to know that Rusty seems unhappy while left alone so that you could take measures to ease his stress and prevent the issue from disturbing our neighborhood peace.”

There’s a possibility that the animal gets into the yard through a damaged fence, so repairing it may solve the issue. If this doesn’t help, setting up a camera and gathering evidence might encourage neighbors to keep their pets off the lawn. Putting up signs that the property is under surveillance warns people from letting their furry companions on the property.

When all else fails, neighbors might think of contacting the authorities. Most districts have laws related to how many animals residents may have and how they must be kept. If there’s no threat to health or safety, the best thing to do is to reach out to the Animal Control Department. They may observe the circumstances, issue a fine, and order the resident to fix the issue.

Preventing pets from doing their business on neighboring lawns can be done without confrontation

Some people prefer not to be confrontational with their neighbors. Or perhaps the issue isn’t worth addressing yet. In such cases, there are other friendly ways to prevent animals from using your lawn as a litter box.

For instance, dogs are notorious for their sense of smell, which can be used to human advantage. Once your yard has a scent of something unpleasant to them, they’ll be less likely to go there. There are dog-repellent sprays you can find online, or you can try more natural remedies like cayenne pepper, vinegar, or rue plant.

Spread these substances along the boundaries of your property to keep passing dogs from entering. For liquids like vinegar, it’s often enough to soak a few cotton balls and place them around the yard. Whatever you use, make sure to check if it’s safe for our furry friends, as some can be toxic when ingested.

Another option is to install lawn sprinklers that activate whenever someone steps on the lawn. Just before a dog can do its business on the grass, a sudden appearance of water will hopefully startle them and scare them off. It helps to chase away other animals, like coyotes, foxes, and deer, too.

Sounds can also be used to repel animals from a property. Devices like high-pitched whistles emit a tone that humans can’t hear but is unpleasant to dogs and other animals. Keeping one of those on the property guarantees that they will stay away. The noise shouldn’t cause any damage to them and isn’t audible inside; just make sure to turn it off before letting your own pet outside.

Lastly, the reason your neighboring dog might leave waste on your grass is because their owner forgets to bring “poop bags” on their walk or doesn’t have enough. If you wish to be neighborly, you can install a plastic bag dispenser that encourages them to pick up after their pups. It’s best to install them near the street so they can be visible to all.

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